As Christmas approaches, I feel the need to express to each of you the need of charity in all of our lives. I implore you, find someone in need, serve those less fortunate than yourself and remember the reason for the season.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Daily Lives
Maybe it is a good sign then that sometimes we feel like we don't get huge spiritualpromptings. Maybe it is just apart of who we are that we don't recognize
the spirit's voice as something new or different. Just an active part
of our daily lives and daily choices. Cool.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Life After Death
She was only 19.
I've never had anyone even remotely close to me pass on. I'm 20 years old and although I have no living grandparents, I was only 3 by the time they had all passed on. The people who have been such a huge part of my life are still among the living. I used to think, when a friend's parent died when we were 15 or when my friends grandpa died, that I wanted to know what it was like, having someone close to you die so that I could sympathize with them. I wished that I could understand them better so I could comfort them...
Now I wish I never knew.
In all this though, there is one thing I am so grateful for; the knowledge that there is life after death. There is a whole other world or us to go through and live in after we pass on. There are more things for us to learn and there are people waiting for us on the other side. Heaven does exist.
I know so many people who don't believe in a life after this one. I know so many people who believe that we just... disappear. Once we die, we no longer exist. And I feel so bad for those people. Not having the knowledge or understanding that there is more to life than just this world. Those who don't understand that our spirits live on and that one day we will not only be reunited with our bodies through the resurrection, but with our families as well. We were not meant to live through the eternities alone. We were meant to be sealed to one another in God's great family, and to be bound together for forever. Christ died that we might live, not just through this life, but forever.
I will see her again one day. Until then, I will keep looking up, cause I know the Skyy is looking down.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
This Life.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I Choose to Be Pure
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Telling the Truth
I know that, as girls, we have a tendency to feel guilty for a lot of things that we shouldn't. Frankly, we feel guilty for just about everything and every possible little thing that goes wrong is always our fault. And a lot of times we also feel this need to make people happy. Many of us are willing to let our own happiness dwindle if it means we may brighten another's day and make their life easier. We're willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of another, especially for a loved one. And this has become the problem in my friends life.
She has been so eager and hopeful to make her spouse happy that she has sugar coated what she really feels. She tells him what he wants to hear, and what she wishes was true. And she does it because she never wants to disappoint him. She sacrifices her own happiness in hopes that he will be happy. With tears in her eyes, she simply said, "But I just want to be happy."
Here's the funny thing about wanting to be happy but also sugar coating things; sugar coating means you're not telling the whole truth. By not telling the whole truth, that means you're lying. Lying is a type of sin. Sinning is wickedness. And as Alma 41:10 says, "Wickedness never was happiness." Simple solution (though it's never easy) is to tell the truth. And not just the truth, but the whole truth. Don't keep secrets from loved ones; that's how tangled webs are woven. And in the end, the other always wants to know why you didn't just tell the truth in the first place.
I've noticed this a lot in my own life. Every time I half heartedly give the partial truth to my loved one, and in the end tell him the whole truth of what I really feel in some heated conversation, he exasperatedly asks why I didn't just tell him all of that to begin with so we could correct the issue when it began. And frankly I ask him the same thing quite frequently. We've gotten much better at this and have found that just telling the truth makes everything easier. Being honest. Not sugar coating things. It just works. Alma knew what he was talking about; wickedness never was happiness, even something as simple as sugar coating the truth and telling little white lies.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I really do love the fact that truth is found everywhere. There is good in this world, far beyond the reaches of just what is taught in the Gospel. Truth can be found anywhere; in other faiths, in other countries, and in all kinds of people.
This statement is truth. So share that happiness you have with the rest of the world. You gain so much more by doing so.
Monday, May 30, 2011
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr"
"The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."--Joseph B. Wirthlin
2nd Nephi 4:27-28
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Greek, Aramaic and Other Semitic Languages
And something I want to say about the word "redeem." As I stated, it was used when termed with buying back a slave. Why then is Christ considered our Redeemer? Might I pose a suggestion to that. We all are in a carnal state of mind, that's just life. We are in a state that we cannot help but be carnal and devilish and whatnot, because that is what fallen man is, unless he curbs his appetites and comes unto God. But we all still makes mistakes. So my proposition is this: We all are slaves to sin, slaves to the devil and this carnal nature. But Christ, our Redeemer, is ready, and willing, to buy is back. Not only ready and willing, but He already did, whether you agree to accept it or not.
Just some food for thought.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Temples: The Covenants and Ordinances
Here are some of the few great things I've learned and now have answers for when people say that the temple is so "hush hush" and we do some crazy things there. If you know where to look, you can find out so much, and it's so wonderful and glorious and enlightening.
From President Brigham Young: "Let me give you a definition in brief. Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the House of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angles who stand as sentinels, being able to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the holy Priesthood, and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell (Discourses of Brigham Young, 416)."
Many do not understand the urgency and importance of a temple marriage. To them, it seems like it’s just “a good thing to do” but not a requirement. They believe that somehow, they can do a wedding and ceremony so much better than what the temple has to offer. However, as Elder Kofford of the Seventy once said: "They simply do not understand. You cannot improve on the Lord’s way. It was planned by Him. The ordinance is His. The authority is His. The words are His, and the house is His. Who would dare to compare the tinsel of the temporal with the gold of God?" There is nothing more perfect, nothing more sacred, than a sealing of a husband and wife together for time and all eternity; to have children born within that covenant and bound together forever by the Priesthood of God. What more could someone want than to be with their spouse and children for not only this life, but the world to come?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A Tool in the Lord's Hands
At the very end of his letter he said this: "Even though it took me so long to respond, the impact of your letter was real. I hope you are loving life! It's meant to be loved ya know. Always remember Genshai. I have till this day."
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Almost, Almost, Almost...
Let me start by just saying that I absolutely love the Bible. So many things I didn't know, new things to uncover. It's incredible. Also, I get to truly learn the stories, not just of Christ's life, but the life of the original twelve as well. And this is where this insight comes from.
Acts 26 has, quite possibly, the most saddening phrase to me in the entire Bible. Let me sum up the chapter: Paul tells his account of how he formerly persecuted the Saints in Christ's time while he was a Pharisee before he was converted. He then testifies of Jesus whom he saw on the Damascus road. And at the end of the chapter Paul bears his testimony of Christ and the gospel to king Agrippa.
It is with the king that my sadness lay.
I have to quote the end of this chapter to help me explain:
"27King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thouabelievest.
28Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou apersuadest me to be abChristian.
29And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds."
What was it King Agrippa says to Paul when questioned if he believed in Christ? "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."
Now wait a minute. Paul already knows that King Agrippa believes. Not only that, King Agrippa knows that he believes as well. So why is he denying it? "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian"? That's just not true. You do know, O King. So why do ye deny? Almost you were willing to defend this man of God. Almost you were willing to be blessed. Almost you were willing to truly accept He who could save you...
Well, now I must ask each of you, as well as myself, the same question. How often do we do exactly what King Agrippa did? You know what you believe, you know Christ lives, you know what He asks of you, so why do you still deny? Why do we still pretend and push these things to the back of our mind?
How often do we say things like this:
· "I could keep the sabbath day holy, but the weather is perfect to go boating.
· "I could follow the prophet and not watch rated R movies, but it's just a little violence, just a little sex, just a little gore.
· "I could keep the commandments and not sin right now, but it's just so enticing."
· "I could go to all of my meetings, but the Superbowl is about to start. I can go next week."
· "I could go to the temple today, but I'd rather read/watch a movie/play video games instead."
Aren't these simple things the types of things we say to ourselves so often? All the little excuses we make up to make ourselves feel better about doing the exact opposite of what we know we should and what is right? Why do we do that? Why do pretend to what's right and never follow through? We claim we believe and do nothing with it. Whatever happened to that scripture in James: "Faith without works is dead, being alone"?
Let me add a little to the above statements and say what Agrippa did. Maybe then we'll understand:
· "I could keep the sabbath day holy, but the weather is perfect to go boating. Almost thou persuadest me to keep the sabbath day holy."
· "I could follow the prophet and not watch rated R movies, but it's just a little violence, just a little sex, just a little gore. Almost thou persuadest me to follow the prophet."
· "I could keep the commandments and not sin right now, but it's just so enticing. Almost thou persuadest me to keep the commandments."
· "I could go to all of my meetings, but the Superbowl is about to start. I can go next week. Almost thou persuadest me to attend church."
· "I could go to the temple today, but I'd rather read/watch a movie/play video games instead. Almost thou persuadest me to attend the temple."
Do we not understand the implications tho these statements we make, both verbal and physical? Do we not get that essentially all we are saying is, "I could reach the Celestial kingdom, but the world and what they claim is happiness is instantly gratifying to me and somehow more fulfilling. Almost thou persuadest me to be truly happy. Almost." But instead of truly giving it our all, and giving our will over the the Father, we tell Him, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Almost thy gift is worth it. Almost I want to be with you again." Almost, almost, almost...
Almost we are willing to help that elderly lady take her groceries to her car. Almost we want to help the dead who cannot help themselves. Almost we want to be a better sister, brother, husband, wife, parent. Almost we want to be closer to our Creator. Almost we are willing to do the things required of us. Almost we are willing to be Christians. Almost, almost, almost...
Might I suggest that we no longer sit on the fence with our legs sprawled on each side, proclaiming, "Almost I'm a Christian!" But let us stand firmly on the side of the Lord, so there is no doubt in any mind that we are who we say are, because we act how we speak.
"I am a Christian!"
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant
Friday, February 11, 2011
In Christ Alone
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Adam and Eve: A Type or Shadow?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sacrament and the Atonement
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I read this book called "I Don't Have to Make Everything All Better." It has already done wonders on my outlook at life and helping people. And here's a bit of what I've learned from it. I suggest everyone gives it a read. It would be most beneficial.
How many times has someone come to you in a bad mood, with some sort of frustration or problem? I've had this happen to me many times, not to mention the number of times I've done this to other people. Do you recall what you did when you were the one listening to the problem? Perhaps it went something like this experience I had with a friend of mine:
My friend came over one day and seemed frustrated. When asked what was wrong, she said, "My friends ask to borrow my clothes and take forever to give them back. If I ask for them, it takes at least a week to get them returned. And once I finally do, they're dirty. I'm sick of it!" This rant continued for at least 5 minutes, no joke. The entire time I was just sitting there thinking, "Could you be quiet now? I know the answer to your problem. It's simple enough; don't let them borrow your clothes." When she finally finished her tangent (none of which I remember except for the beginning), I immediately gave her my solution to her problem. The next thing she said to me shocked me. "You just don't understand! Why can't you just listen to me? You obviously don't care, so why did you even ask?" She then left my house with a slammed door.
I couldn't believe she just accused me of not caring. I was just trying to help her. Now both our feelings have been hurt because she thinks I don't care and she got mad at me when I was just trying to help. So my attitude then became, "Well, see if I ever try to help you again."
Notice how my initial reaction was, "I need to solve her problem for her and I have the answer." Our immediate response almost every time is to help the person in distress. When we care about someone, we want them to feel happy, be cheerful and have the best. Our natural tendency is to give advice and tell them what we think would be the best solution for them. We went to help in any way we can, and we think that by telling them what we think they should do, that all is well and it will work out perfectly. However, this is not so. Most of the time, the suggestions we give to the person cause the person to feel like they have to do what was suggested whether they want to or not. Because that person knows someone is just trying to help them, and feel as though it would be letting down the person with the adivce if the advice isn't taken seriously and acted upon. And then, a good portion of the time, when the advice is acted upon and goes awry, we get blamed because they followed the advice we gave them. This causes tension and strain in the relationship. Have you ever had the misfortune of feeling that way? I have a thousand times over, and it isn't a comfortable position to be in.
Have you ever thought about how this could change? What could possibly be done to help this person in need if all your advice just backfires? A single word should be able to put this into perspective.
It's a simple word, one that we all know very well. We are always told to listen to what people tell us to do (especially our parents), but perhaps they should just listen to us.
What do you think would happen if, instead of waiting to pounce on the person to be quiet already so that you can tell them what to do (because you know the answer already, of course), we actuallylisten to what they are saying, with no intention of solving their problems. After all, they are their problems. Thus, they are not ours for the fixing!
But think about the tables being turned. Assume you were the person with the problem... then what? Don't we get offended and hurt when someone doesn't just listen to us? When they always have to have their input on our lives? Is it possible that we understand where my friend is coming from when she said, "You obviously don't even care?"
A lot of times, I have felt like those who mentally I know should care most about me (like my family for intance) don't care at all because they don't just listen for the sake of listening. They always have to put their two cents in with my life and problems, when really, that's not what I want at all. I am capable of solving my own problems, I just want someone to listen to me and understand. I want the feelings I've been feeling validated and understood, not alienated and told they're wrong. Frankly, unless I ask for it, chances are I probably don't want your advice anyway. And even then, take that request with a grain of salt. I don't care how much you know at this point, I just want to be listened to. Is that too much to ask?
Apparently so. But it doesn't have to be. I know that when I am the one with the problem, I just need someone to listen to me. I don't want advice, nor do I need it. I just need someone to validate my feelings and understand me and try to understand what I'm feeling. A simple, "Oh, that must be rough," or, "That's a tough place to be in," with a possible, "What do you think you should do about it?" is all that is needed. An understanding and validating phrase. One that keeps the problem on the shoulders it belongs but still shows that one cares. Validation and listening are such incredible things--when we use them. So the next time someone comes to you with a problem, don't assume that means they want you to solve it for them; chances are, they don't. Instead, try listening to them and try understanding what they might be feeling.
"I don't care how much you know until I know how much you care."
There's never been a truer statement. Show people that you care, really care, by listening, not acting. An open ear a lot of times, is all one needs.